photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee
Crystal Sun essences are Vibrational Elixirs made from natural gems, minerals and crystals. Similar to how Flower Essences are produced,
the stones are placed in pure water directly on the earth in the Sun and/or moonlight, then bottled to make the subtle energies of the
crystals available in a liquid form. They offer a unique way to work with a wide variety of healing qualities of the mineral kingdom.
Crystal Sun offers a full line of Gem Essences for practitioners, healers and everyone who can benefit from the wonderful energies that
the gems and minerals have to offer
is a gem grade meteorite, translucent ocean green color, that fell
from the sky 14.8 million years ago in the now Czech Republic. Moldavite
has come to have a reputation as a catalyst for rapid and positive
spiritual transformation. It seems to be a magnet for synchronicities
– those astonishing “coincidences” that nudge us
in the direction of our evolution. Moldavite appears as a vivid talisman
of heavenly energies, making those energies available to the inhabitants
of this planet. It simply is. It vibrates. It is transforming. It
brings joy to all cellular structures in its vicinity. It also protects
you from various vibrations of which you are not aware at present.
It merely originates and contains frequencies, we might say- memories
and realities- beyond the scope of this dimension and it is this,
and this alone, which causes it to be of power here. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
is known as the most powerful activator of the third eye chakra, the
energy center at the forehead, and can also open the crown chakra
at the top of the head and even the nonphysical chakras above the
head. It is a very rare beryllium silicate. People who work metaphysically
with stones classify Phenacite as having perhaps the highest vibration
yet found in any crystal or stone. It can be crystal clear & colorless
to cloudy grayish white to clear golden in color. It is said Phenacite
helps one to consciously experience one’s existence in higher
dimensions. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
are rare crystals of calcium borosilicate, the best of which are usually
found in Mexico. Although most danburites are grayish and opaque,
some are clear and colorless or a very light pink with striated sides
and chisel-like terminations. Metaphysically, Danburites are thought
to carry a very high vibration and to stimulate the third eye and
crown chakras, plus the eighth to the fourteenth chakras in the etheric
body. Danburite can also activate the heart chakra and integrate it
with the higher energies. Danburite is said to help one connect to
the communication currents of the Angelic Domain. It is said to be
useful to those who wish to consciously access inner guidance, and
is also used to promote the state of lucid dreaming. It is also helpful
in allowing one to maintain personal identity while flowing with the
structure of the world. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee
is a beautiful blue-violet gemstone found in Tanzania, Africa. It
is also known as blue zoisite. Metaphysically, Tanzanite is said to
activate and integrate the energies of the heart, throat, third-eye,
and crown chakras, facilitating a situation in which the mind and
psychic abilities are activated and guided by the wisdom of the heart.
The energized throat chakra allows for clear communication of this
integrated understanding. The coming of this stone to the surface
of the planet heralds a tremendous awakening of the heart energies
of the race of man. It is primarily for balancing the spirit at this
time and you will find that very many of what you call “illnesses”
in these days are due to imbalance of the spirit. Tanzanite is the
key to experiencing the inner worlds. Allows for communication with
the spirit guides and other beings from dimensions normally hidden
to our conscious minds. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
is the name given to a type of quartz found in North Carolina some
25 years ago. They range from opaque white to colorless. According
to Naisha Ahsian, she made contact with a group soul entity called
the Azez who are here in nonphysical form. They station themselves
underground in power spots such as Sedona’s Cathedral Rock and
California’s Mt. Shasta, bringing to Earth a positive energy
they call “the nameless light,” which assists planets
and people in transitioning to higher frequencies. Azeztulite is said
to be their special conduit for this energy. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
is zinc oxide, a lucky biproduct of a faulty zinc smelter in Poland.
It is a beautiful orange, red or gold translucent crystal. Zincite
has the ability to direct energy into the first three chakras, helping
to clear blockages and restore the flow of our own energy, so that
we can re-experience the joy of playful creation. Passion is another
quality enhanced by Zincite, as the life force of one’s organism
is enhanced by exposure to the emanation of these colorful crystals.
These are very positive crystals, which are especially useful to those
of the spiritual bent, who may tend to neglect the full embodiment
of their spiritual selves in the physical world. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
is a strengthener, healer and harmonizer of the emotional body. Ajoite
is found as turquoise-blue inclusions in quartz crystals from Messina,
South Africa. Its sweet vibrations not only soothe us – they
also draw out the poison of one’s subconsciously held sorrows,
fears, rage and old woundings. We are gifted with a sense of growing
strength and confidence, a clear- minded sense of our own goodness,
and our ability to move forward on the spiritual path. Ajoite reminds
us of beauty, both inner and outer and it inspires us to bring more
beauty into the world through all the things we say and do. They show
us that sweetness is often hidden below the surface appearances of
things, and they remind us to cultivate and bring forth the sweetness
within ourselves. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee
Celestite is a rare mineral found to date only in Poland.
It grows in long spears, which come in clusters. It’s a very
nurturing, healing stone. It is in the yellow ray of light that is
in the energy of harmony. It connects with the energy of Gaia, so
it is empowering in that it strengthens the energy and it is connected
into the elliptical flow of life that flows through our solar system.
So it is connecting simultaneously with the earth energy, and with
the realms of energy for this particular solar system. It is soothing
for the mental body, as well as the emotional body. This is a very
good stone for a healer to use, because it helps them not to become
depleted. It helps them be constantly fed from the energies so they
can continuously work, and it keeps them in balance. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
is a clear to light green stone from India, part of the zeolite group
composed of hydrous sodium aluminum silicate. These are excellent
stones for inter-dimensional journeying. Apophyllite helps us to remain
grounded while still being in touch with the spiritual realms. It
allows us to both recognize and act on the truth in all situations.
It activates the heart chakra and provides energy and forthrightness
in decisions of the heart. It allows one to absorb the energies one
needs from the universal supply of perfect energy. It stimulates joyful
glee. This stone makes us happy to be of service on the earth. It
is calming and reassuring for people struggling with “not being
good enough.” |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
is a gem variety of clinichlore, a mineral of the chlorite group.
Seraphinite is found in the Lake Baikal region of Siberia. These gemstones
are primarily a deep-green color with feathery inclusions of silvery
iridescent formations making intricate internal patterns. It is a
purifier and is quite useful for cleansing the aura, the chakras,
and the energy meridians. During the meditative state, it has produced
celestial contact with the highest order of angels. Seraphinite acts
as a trigger, causing old patterns of dis-ease and imbalance to fall
away, allowing new patterns to be created more easily. Seraphinite’s
true purpose is to bring light into the physical body, expressing
it through us as glowing health. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
derives from the Canadian peninsula Labrador, where this gemstone
was first discovered in 1770. This feldspar is characterized by a
play of color (labradorescence) that often shows in vivid shades of
blue, green, gold, and sometimes red. Labradorite is the gemstone
of adventure, for it offers us the chance to embark upon a multitude
of voyages of self-discovery. It is the gemstone of magic. It awakens
the awareness of one’s innate magical powers. It can aid one
in the manifestation of one’s desires, as well as in seeing
the magic that permeates our world. Labradorite creates a force field
throughout the aura, protecting and strenghtening the energies within.
It can be used a balancing agent for those who wish to incorporate
all of the Elements into their energies. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
is a translucent apple green gemstone, a variety of chalcedony. The
depth of color speaks of their strong healing energy and of connection
to the domain of Nature Spirits. Chrysoprase also helps one to remain
centered in the heart at all times, providing courage to face difficult
or threatening situations with steadfast resolve and truth centered
compassion. Chrysoprase is a stone that brings peace to the heart.
It is believed to be healing to the emotions, particularly for “heartbreak”,
allowing one to see opportunities for growth, even in misfortune.
Its use is recommended for those who wish to relieve stress. It can
be calming to anger and soothing to fear as well. |