1. Create
a pleasant mood and relax. Put on soothing music and candles (if
it’s dark). Lie the person on either side with head on a small
pillow or an easier way is to lie the person flat on their back with
a large firm pillow under the knees and a very small pillow under
the head. The idea is to keep the spine flat. In the flat back position
you need just move the head from side to side as needed. If it’s
chilly, put a blanket on them.
photos copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
2. Place one hand towel on
the pillow, and one to cover hair and neck to protect from possible
wax drip, (use a piece of damp paper towel on top of the hand towel).
I ask for assistance (silently) from the devas of this realm
of clearing. Center yourself. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
3. Light the wide end
of the cone and tap till smoke pours out the small end. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
4. Gently place small
end in the ear canal. Angle the cone away from face, 45 degrees. Adjust
cone to seal. Wave smoke away from the ear with your other hand until
sealed. No smoke should escape out of the canal. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
5. Let the wide end burn
about 2" down. Remove and Cut burnt section into bowl of
water and leave 1/4" burning... Or cut the flame off and empty
cone and re-light, whichever suits you. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
6. Turn cone upside down
(skewer goes in small end to empty out of wide end) and ream out
with skewer into a bowl of water. If 1/4"still burning, turn upright
and tap with skewer until smoke comes out. If flame cut, relight,
turn upright and tap with skewer till smoke comes out. Return to
canal and seal again. Burn 2" more, empty cone. Burn halfway down.
It takes 2 cuttings then douse cone in water when finished with
last section. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
You should be left with about 6" of the cone when finished.
Douse in bowl. Break skewer in half ( do not re-use it.)
8. The cone may contain some cone wax.
The active force in coning is the smoke spiraling into the ear
canal. We need as much smoke as possible pouring in.
If the wax is properly emptied out each time you cut the cone, you
continue a strong flow of smoke. The smoke does its work, ignore
the amount of wax in the cone.
9. Clean out ear with Q-tip dipped in oil. Do
not go deep. Gently swab only what you can see of the canal.
This soothes the nerve endings. I use a pendulum or muscle test
to see if another cone is needed on either side.
10. Balance the ears - Position yourself at the
head with person lying down, face up. Place your hands on both ears
and wait for an energy pulse between your palms. Release (silently)
the person's energy field from yours. Bring hands from to top
of head to close auric field. |
photo copyright
© 2004 Cozy McFee |
Put cotton in the ears to protect from cold wind
if you are going outdoors (not necessary indoors or in warm weather).
A few drops of ear oil or olive oil may be put on cotton. Clean and
sanitize bowl. Remove wax from scissors with fire or hot water and wipe
with paper towel.
You are done!
Practitioners add whatever they feel will help the process. Feel free
to do the same.
Some do Reiki, massage, cranio sacral, essential oils etc.
I also add some extras to my routine. I incorporate Helichrysum essential
oil as per Dr. Young’s (of Young Living Essential Oils) suggested
use of Helichrysum for ears. I use one drop of Helichrysum on the index
finger, place finger in the ear canal and press in 4 directions. First
forward then top, toward back then down. On the down stroke, give it plenty
of pressure and jerk down. Next, put one more drop of Helichrysum on the
index finger and massage the bone in back of the ear, especially the TMJ
joint under the earlobe.
*Make sure to clip your index fingernail or it can be too hard in the
ear canal.
You may also use acupressure on the rim of the ear (use index finger and
thumb), from the top to the ear lobe. This can be done before or after
the candling.
*Never use essential oils directly in the ear as drops, they can burn
the eardrum.
External use is all you need due to the penetrating action of the oils.
*Pressing index finger in the ear canal can be used whenever you feel
(i.e.airplane), with or without oil. Press in 4 directions. On the down
stroke, give it plenty of pressure and jerk down with thumb behind the
earlobe and index finger in ear canal.
For 24 hours after a coning it’s best to not immerse you head in water,
if you do, just put some cotton in the ears.
- It takes 3 separate conings to finish what was
started with the 1st.
Space them 3 to 7 days apart.
- If ears feel drawing or dry, use olive or Mullein
flower oil - a few drops of warm oil is very soothing.
- If you burn a cone by itself, expect a small amount
of wax and powder from the cone. Forget about the wax as an indicator
of the success of the coning, use your perception of how you feel before
and after as your gauge.
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